Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

$50 per year.  That’s all.  Not per month.  Not per student.  Not per title.  $50 includes up to 30 students in your class or home using this service.  All titles are included, but at this time each student can only be assigned one book at a time.  

Does this work for families or classes with multiple grades?

Yes, on your teacher dashboard, you can assign a different title to each student and customize that to their level of learning or interests.  

What happens if my child misses an assignment or struggles on a quiz?

In the notifications section of the teacher dashboard, you decide if you would like to be notified if your child misses an assignment or struggles with a quiz.  You will decide if that child can/should retake.  

Are there ads on the site?

No, are no ads on the site.  

Are you collecting or selling personal information?

No, I don’t collect any personal information and I’m not selling any personal information.  I don’t know your child’s grades or where you live.  I think that is your business, not mine.  

How do you track time invested?

Each book is given a default value of being read at a WPM based on the average age that would read that book.  Each activity you choose to assign is given a default time value.  Each quiz is given a default time value. Those are aggregated and the grades for each quiz and time invested are available to be printed in the report on the teacher dashboard.  

Does this meet state homeschool standards?

As I meet with teachers from around the country, I have added and improved tracking and reporting to meet those standards.  If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at  

What kinds of books do you offer?

You’ll be able to choose from our ever-growing list of great titles as well as suggest your own to be added in the future. All genres and types of books are welcome. 

Will you ever offer other subjects?

My hope is to continue to expand our list of titles to include all types of books.  It is unknown what that may turn into, but history and science texts are likely in the next year. 

How does the free trial work?

It is truly no strings attached.  You’ll have 14 days to try the service for free. No credit card information is requested and you will not be charged if you forget to cancel.  You will have complete access to the site.  

Can I change what my student is assigned?

Yes.  The comprehension quizzes are required, but everything else is the program: puzzles, Venn diagrams, essay questions, classroom discussion, coloring pages, etc. is all at your discretion.  You decide what works for you and your student.  

Can I change the pace the work is assigned?

Yes, you decide the pace at which your student completes the work.  If you need to make a change, that is easily done from the teacher dashboard.    

Do you grade everything?

The vocabulary quizzes and comprehension questions are automatically graded and tracked.  The extras are not graded, but a key is provided for easy grading.    

Do you have to buy the books from the Amazon links on the site?

No.  Any copy of the book will work for the activities and quizzes within the site.  I have students using pdfs they found online, audiobooks and books thrifted at Goodwill.  All will work just fine.    

Does my child have to have access to the internet to use the site.

Yes.  The quizzes and comprehension questions need to be done online for the service to grade and track.  This can be using a computer, tablet or phone.  All activities can be printed and done offline.      

Is there anything else to buy?

No, there is no opportunity to buy anything else.  $50 per year is the total price for the service.  It will not be automatically renewed when the subscription expires in one year.

Why do you have so many games and puzzles?

The games and puzzles are an alternative way to master spelling and vocabulary for those students that struggle with the standard memorization.  

Why did you create Swift River Resources?

The simple answer is I created the product I wish I had been able to find when my children were small at the price that I would have been able to pay.  If you want more information, I’ve included a bit in my bio.